Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Constitutional Developments

The Vote No campaign has recently received endorsements from MEChA, Sex Out Loud and the Teaching Assistants' Association, among others. From talking with representatives from these and other groups, it is clear that both political and nonpolitical student organizations and their members have a vested concern in defeating the new document. This is especially true of powerful groups like the TAA which can relate to the intended grassroots structure of the current ASM - and precisely what the revisions intend to destroy.

Several other groups are also sympathetic toward our side, but are reluctant to give an official endorsement to the campaign due to intimidation from at least one member of the Constitutional Committee. Given the almost complete lack of grassroots support for the Constitution, it's not a surprise that the Committee would have to resort to such tactics as making threats to group funding to curb the anti-Constitution momentum.

With a completely united progressive front against the Constitution, and with many non-progresive supporters as well, the Vote No Coalition looks exactly how an effective, grassroots movement on campus should: We are a large, democratic and diverse front of students who are connected to the organizational backbone of campus social, cultural and political life. Our side intends to achieve victory not through bribery, threats or backroom deals, but through a an energetic activism and confidence in the superiority of our arguments.

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